Monday 29 September 2008

This was the week that was

A busy week here for the propellers:

On Thursday Tim Vize-Martin and Donna Shilling arrived at Dartington, having walked 222 miles from London to Dartington to mark the end of Dartington College of Arts in Devon. They started off in London on the 4th of September, and arrived at Dartington on the 25th. Along the way, people closely connected to the college (students and staff, past and present) joined them to walk and talk about Dartington and what this end means to them.

On Friday, and again on Tuesday, Emma Bush presented a village walk:
The walk is a reflection on passing through, noticing and being in a place. The route has been found through a practice of repeating the same path and an investigation into spaciousness. Material has been sourced through conversations and walks with old friends and new, strangers to the village and locals.